Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brandons 4th Birthday

Brandon turned four on December 6th, where in the world does the time go!! We did our usual birthday party at the Church Fellowship Hall of my Moms Church and had hot dogs, chips and cake. We got him a Leapster2 which has been a huge hit and Grandma got him the "crash cage" for his monster jams that he had been begging for forever! Here are a few pictures from the festivities!

Catching Up (Yet again!)

So I am back to catching up (yet again!) on here! It has been a long while since I posted on here and a lot and not a lot has happened in that time frame.

Brandon turned 4 and is finally talking (almost) like he should be. He is still learning how to put sentences that make complete sense together, but for the most part we're right on track! In October we took a short family vacation to the beach and although it rained on us at the beach, we enjoyed the time away.

I am still working at the bank, but I am trying to get in at the new Emergency Room that opened near our house doing patient registration, I've had my first interview and that went well so I'm hoping and praying that I hear back on that as soon as possible..

Here are some pictures of the beach trip!