Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I received an email a couple of months ago about 3 and a half year olds and fears and interestingly enough the fears started rolling in about that time.. He's now scared of Mudcats Games, Big Movies, Fireworks and Dogs and a few other things I'm probably not thinking about at the moment.

The Mudcats game all I can figure is that the fireworks show afterwards scared him, because he thoroughly enjoyed the game up until then..

Big Movies, that's an interesting one, we have been to see three or four movies since he was about 2. White Oak theatre offers two free movies every Tuesday and Wednesday during the summer, we decided to go and see Horton Hears a Who a couple of weeeks ago. We got in the theatre, got our popcorn and went to walk into see the movie and it was completely dark except for the running lights and he froze and started to scream. I waited a while to see if maybe he would want to stay once the movie actually started and he seemed a bit interested as we were standing in the outside aisle until the elephent screamed out, needless to say we got in our car and headed home!!

Fireworks, let me just tell you that you probably don't want to learn DURING a fireworks show that your child is scared of fireworks, I do believe the noise in our truck was louder than the actual fireworks!!

Dogs, this one happened when our friends little puppy innocently jumped on him, licked him and grabbed his hat off his head and ran. Now when we go around dogs, he promptly asks the owners to "Put doggy in fence" lol

He does not mind a bit letting you know that he's scared, he will say NO big movie, mudcat games or fireworks!! He also doesn't want any dog (2lbs or 100lbs) anywhere near him!

I hope, hope, hope that this is just a phase and that he doesn't continue to add to this list of fears... I have heard from a few reliable sources though that Daddy was a scaredy cat as a kid too ;)

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