Thursday, September 16, 2010


I haven't updated in a while (Imagine that!)

We had a pretty uneventful summer, though we bought a swimming pool and that was tons of fun! We haven't had our vacation yet, but will next week so be on the lookout for that post!

However, Mr Brandon officially left the nest of Grandma and Mommy (for 3 half days a week anyway) and started Preschool. The first day was full of tears from Mama and sheer joy and excitement from Brandon!

My first tears started over our conversation in the van on the way there:

Brandon - Mama, are you going to miss me?
Me - Of course I'm going to miss you
Brandon - It's okay Mama I'll be back in a little while

Who knew the boy would have to comfort the Mama on this big day in both of our lives..

It's been a week since that first day and the boy loves it more and more every day I think. He comes home singing songs and telling me about things that happened, this amazes me since not quite 2yrs ago my little boy couldn't say 10 words and we were going through the hell that is known as "Evaluations".. Speaking of, he's come so far in that 2yrs that his speech therapist doesn't think she'll need to see him much longer so we'll be having another evaluation soon and I believe that this one will be met with happy tears instead of frustrated ones!

Here are a few pictures of his first day of school:

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