Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It has been a little over a month since we started our home school journey and I thought it was time for an update!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our first month, I don't think it could have gone any better!

The class that he is attending at the Church preschool has been the blessing that I had hoped that it would be. We were a little nervous about it since we had a change in teachers right before the school year began, however, our new teacher couldn't have been any better of a replacement. They are using the five in a row curriculum which is booked based and perfect for Brandon who loves books and reading. They do a new book every two weeks and they pull each subject from the book and do activities to go along with it, it's a really neat program. Also, they are learning about manners and respect and working as a team as his teacher has a rewards program where they collectively learn "cash" and when they reach $50 they get a special treat, this first month it was pizza. I love it though because they are earning this as a "team" so each person is accountable to all of his friends!

Teaching at home has been the most rewarding thing for me as a parent to watch him learning every day and being able to be the one to teach him! I was told that it's not unusual to change curriculum a few times the first year while trying to find the best match for your child. So far the only thing that I have changed is spanish, the program wasn't a good fit for us but we are using the internet and various printed materials and it is working wonderfully.

That is how our first month has gone, we are totally glad that we chose this path! We are heading to the mountains and Tweetsie Railroad this weekend and we are totally excited, I'll post about that when we are back!

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