Monday, August 29, 2011

Our first day of school!

Today was my baby boys first day of Kindergarten, at home! If you had asked me five years ago or maybe even last year about his first day of school, the last thing that I would have told you is that we would be homeschooling him. However, time changes things and I know in my heart that this is the path that God has chosen for our family.

We were all very excited that this day had finally arrived, I think that Brandon was probably the most excited of all of us, as he had been asking when his first day of school would be for about a month now. I, on the other hand, had a mix of emotions from "am I doing the right thing?" doubts, to "am I going to miss not sending him to school for his first day of Kindergarten" guilt , to the "I am going to be his teacher and get to be there for everything and watch him learn and grow" elation!

We started our day with coffee and of course chocolate milk and slowly transitioned into our school day. We did our bible lesson, filled out a 'kindergarten portfolio', did our math and writing lessons, read some books together and finally played a game of chutes and ladders. We followed our school day with a lunch/play date to celebrate our first day of school.

I would say that today was a great success and I pray that we have many more to come in our homeschooling journey! I leave with you a few pictures from our first day =)

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