Sunday, May 10, 2009


I wish that I had started this blog 3.5 years ago! But I am going to do a "quick" intro to us and then I will continue to keep this updated so I will have something to look back on.

Frankie and I met 13.5 years ago at a party of mutual friends, we went out riding around that night and the rest I guess you could say is history! We have been married 8years on August 4th.

We decided in early 2005 that it was time to add another member to our family, I was pregnant by March and was well overdue by December 6, 2005 when my precious baby boy, Brandon James Edwards, decided to join us at 9lbs 2oz, 20.5 inches long and 8 LONG days overdue!

Brandon was a good baby, despite the fact that he had multiple ear infections starting at 6 months old and ending around 14 months old, at which time we figured out that allergy medicine kept him from getting infections. Brandon started walking at 14 months, around Valentines day. However, the lasting effect of these ear infections is that his speech was severly delayed. I would need another blog to describe everything that we have been through due to this speech delay, we went through a major autism scared which has now officially been laid to rest. He is in speech therapy through our local school system and recieves half an hour of speech therapy two days per week.

Brandon loves to play golf, well any type of ball really but he's particular to golf. He loves hanging out with his older cousins and entertaining them as well!

I will come back and add some early pictures of Brandon to this entry, for now, get ready to follow us in our day to day ups and downs of raising a rambunctious, chocolate milk and popcorn addicted little boy =)

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