Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quirks, Routines, Etc

I figured since it's just an average Tuesday and we aren't doing anything special (well I was smart enough to make my yearly OB appt and a dentist appt for myself on the same day, ha ha!) that I would take time to talk about Brandons quirks, routines, etc. Here we go:

The newest thing that Brandon has to do is whenever anyone is leaving him, or he is leaving you.. you must get a hug, kiss and a high five! If you do not do this you may get a call from me to come back and do it because my child is standing at my door with tears because how dare you forget him! ;)

Let's see, oh yeah he also prefers to have his right sock off and his left sock on, not sure where this habit originated but he knows that when we leave the house he must have two socks on or two socks off...generally though as you can see from the pictures that he ends up with two socks on

Bedtime routine, this one is fun! We must take our bath with our certain toys and yes he knows when one is missing, after that we have to clean his ears, brush his teeth and Daddy and only Daddy blow drys and brushes his hair! Once that is done Mommy must put lotion on, dress him, fix a nice snack of popcorn and you guessed it chocolate milk and get his blanket, Lightning bear (his build a bear he made) and his Thomas pillow. Once this is complete it's about 10 minutes and he's snoring away blissfully. In fact I think I may take pictures of this routine and come back and add them here! This is a normal night and if we missed any parts and he wakes up at 3am for some reason he lets us know about it! I know, I know you are thinking OCD? but I don't stress it because I think it's a control thing that three year olds go through (like you are going to do this because this is how I like it!), because the rest of his day isn't nearly this structured and he goes with the flo. The only suggestion I have had is from his speech therapist and she said it's normal but just try and mix it up a little bit on him so that he knows it doesn't have to be the same every day.

I'm sure there are more that I am not thinking of right now, when I do think of them I'll update..

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