Thursday, August 4, 2011

Curriculum Choices!

This was probably the absolute hardest part of preparing to home school! I have spent hours reading blogs, surfing home schooling websites and reading manuals trying to figure out the "perfect" curriculum. What I found out is that there is NO perfect curriculum, so I set out on my search for what would work well for our family!

Here is what we will be using this year in addition to the Five In a Row Curriculum that he will learn in his home school class at school!

First things first is our Bible curriculum, I chose a simple book that has pictures that he can color each day that have a different bible story on them.

Reading was probably the hardest thing for me because Brandon has been reading for well over a year and has no problems with sounding out most words, however, I decided to do a phonics review with him to make sure that he has the basic rules down! So, our choice here was Explode the Code:

Writing, we decided to use A Reason for Handwriting

Math, Horizons Math. This was not a hard choice, once I looked through it I knew it would be a great match for us!

And last but certainly not least (especially not according to my child!!) is Spanish, this is a special interest area for B and he's super excited about "Spanish Fridays". I chose to do Spanish only on Fridays because our curriculum only includes 33 lessons!

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