Thursday, August 11, 2011

Marbles Kids Museum

Fortunately living near the City we have access to many great museums! For right now, however, our favorite is Marbles Kids Museum. It's an awesome place and at only $5 a day for admission it truly can't be beat.

Marbles is a very interactive, fun place for small kids and grown kids to!

As you can see there are lots of things there for everyone! I am going to show you a few of the MANY pictures I took with Brandon in his favorite areas.

Brandons favorite exhibit right now is the pretend play area with the fire truck, ambulance and vet's office.

Here is he is dressed in full fire man gear!

Here he is dressed as a EMT checking out an xray:

Here he is giving this poor little goat a shot and then placing him in the crate:

Making pizza for Daddy!

Silly boy!

Looking out over the City!

Okay, so I realize I am a little biased but isn't he the cutest hockey player, ever?

Woodworking with Daddy:

Outdoor water "table" he enjoyed making the ducks race down to the end:

I am hoping to make this one of our regular field trips once we start our school year, I feel like it's a great educational experience as well as a lot of fun for the kiddos!

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